Question : Problem: Hp 1315 not working properly!!!!!!

I have Windows'98 Se, I have Hp1315 psc printer-scanner & photocopier connected on USB port. Printer is working fine, but scanner  & photo copier is not working. I have tried all sorts of tricks but no sucess. When I start HP director only two icon appear. Rest of icon not appearing. Is it problem with USB port (that's what HP side is saying or something else) . Kindly help me.  

Answer : Problem: Hp 1315 not working properly!!!!!!


I would delete all the drivers and any software that was installed with the HP1315.  Then, before reinstalled the drivers and software, I would go to Control Panel, click on "System", click on the "Hardware" tab, click on "Device Manager", scroll down to "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" and delete the USB Controller and USB Hub associated with the port that the HP1315 is associated with.  Then, at the top of the window, click on "Action" then click on "Scan for Hardware Changes".  The system will scan your computer and reinstall the USB Controler and USB Hub.  After this, reinstall the HP1315 drivers and any software.

Good Luck,
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