Question : Problem: VNC uninstallation from Domain controller


 In our company all are using chriscontrol for taking remote control.I need to block. This will opens Port 5900. And created folder in C:\vnctemp\ under these folder it created WinVNC.exe.

I need to remove from all Computers. Please suggest me script.

Answer : Problem: VNC uninstallation from Domain controller

I don't know about Macafee, but if you are on Active Directory, you can block the executable by name in the GPO the users are in which will prevent it from being run. If you are, let me know and I can tell you how to do this.

Okay, for a script to mass delete the folder (this won't uninstall the VNC service/application, it will just delete the folder and the executable), try this (test it first with some test machines as I have NOT tested this, I am writing it on the train!!!)

1. Create a file called PC-List.txt and put the names of all machines you want affected by this, one per line. Put this in a folder on your machine called C:\VNCDEL.

2. In this same folder create a file called vncdelete.bat and paste the code snippet below into it. Once you have tested it works (you can check the log file it creates - vncdelete.log), you can then run it against all the machines you want affected by it.

FOR /F %%i IN (C:\VNCDEL\PC-list.txt) DO DELTREE /F /Q /S \\%%i\C$\VNCTEMP >> C:\VNCDEL\vncdelete.log
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