Question : Problem: How do I use a bluetooth stereo headset to an Xperia X1?

I have just bought a Motorola S9 bluetooth stereo headset, however I am having problems listening to music through it.

It pairs correctly and I can hear the phone through it, but the music will only come out of the phone itself.

I see an option in the connection window "set as wireless stereo" but that does not seem to have any effect...

Thanks for your help

Answer : Problem: How do I use a bluetooth stereo headset to an Xperia X1?

are all your volumes up?

if yes then:

1)Turn off your headset
2) turn off Bluetooth on your phone
3) remove your device from the paired devices
4) soft reset
5) add new BT device
6)put on pairing mode on your headset
7) select your device from the list and just press continue. Check the Stereo Headset option

After the pairing has been done.

Play your music..
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