Question : Problem: Laptop will not load Ghost boot image on pxe boot

Hi All,
        Tried to create an image from a Toshiba A2 Tecra laptop using Ghost ver 8.3 over the network.
PXE booted the laptop to boot from the network, all goes well until we get to the startup screen( for want of a better term) Screen with blue background with window in middle of the screen usually have a menu box in lower left corner to sekect options. However on the laptop the Hourglass just sits there, you can move it around the screen so the machine is not locked up just the program will not run any further.
Though it may be a problem with the ghost network boot so tried it on another pc, this time a desktop pc and it loaded up straight away no problems. Connected the network cable to the same network point as the pc was connect to but same problem. tried another tecra laptop this time a M4 model, and found the same problem. I'm thinking it's a problem with the laptops, looked on the symantec site and the toshiba site but they were no help. So any ideas where to look at?

Answer : Problem: Laptop will not load Ghost boot image on pxe boot

Sounds like a driver issue.

Personally I use Barts PE when ghosting machines. Servers and laptops.

If you need a prticular driver it is simple to insert into the image. ITs a little slower than PXE boot but it should sove your problem with the tecra's.

Hope this helps



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