Question : Problem: APC Battery Replacement & Charging


Probably an easy question for someone to answer . .  I have got to a situation where I need to replace the battery in my APC UPS and I just need some simple advice.  I know from reading the instructions that the battery is hot swapable, but in this particular instance I am having to replace the battery while the UPS is offline.  So my quesion is, when I replace the battery do I just then connect the UPS up to the mains supply and the battery then charges up ??  or do I have to switch the UPS on at the power button ??     the reason I ask is that I know when you switch an UPS on at the power button the first thing it does is a battery test, and with this being a new battery I would assume that the UPS alarm will go off because the battery is flat.

Can anybody confirm which is the best way to go about this, as the manual doesn't really cover replacing the battery with UPS offline.


Answer : Problem: APC Battery Replacement & Charging

It may depend on model, recently had to do with this a 2200 and we turned it on and let it alarm for one minute and then let it chage, primarily so we could see the LED readout on the front come the morning to make sure we had at least a 50% charge. I think though that you can charge without actually powering the device up.
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