Question : Problem: New SCSI Chain and Termination.

My primary system is SCSI based w/an internal Segate ST423451W drive and an External HP 9200 cd burner. I want to add two more external devices. One is a Epson Expression 636 Flat bed scanner and the other is a home built hard drive array. The array is three hard drives idenical to the one above chained togather as a stand alone unit. My question is in what order should I chain the new two units? Note that at present only one external device exists, the cd burner. I want to put the epson and the stand alone array of three more hard drives in the chain. I'm not sure which to put on the end, middle and first out of my system.  I have revised this question because I could tell I was not clear by the answers I got.
Thanks again for your help and supporting this site.
Joseph Robertson [email protected]

Answer : Problem: New SCSI Chain and Termination.

You can connect up to 7 devices to SCSI bus. You need to
set different ID to each device and add termination to both edges of the bus. If your SCSI bus controller is sitting from one site you need to set termination only to another end of the bus.
If all your devices have termination option you need to set this termination only to the last device on the bus.
Also if you will still have a problem, check termination power.
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