Question : Problem: mmx emulator ...
is there any emulator for MMX, so my pentium classic can run a program which need MMX ext ??
rgds, de_ep
Answer : Problem: mmx emulator ...
To answer your question, yes there is an emulator. I had it and probably still do have it somewhere. However I ran it on a Pentium 133 MHz, but not any real improvement. In fact, I think it actually did a little harm. Not physically, but in comps. performance. Anyway, I agree with jhance, if you really want MMX performance, get a new CPU. http://www.accessmicro.com has a Pentium 166 MHz MMX for only $26.95 Pentium 200 MHz MMX for only $34.95, actually this site also has a Pentium 233 MHz MMX w/ heat sink and fan for only $29.95. So if you really need MMX, check and make sure you MotherBoard can handle 166 or higher and buy it.