Question : Problem: Logitech G15 keyboard and MX510 mouse USB issues with Vista 32bit

After a power shutdown recently, many of my USB devices stopped working on my Gateway GM5424 Vista desktop PC. After reinstalling and rebooting several times, many of them recovered. Now, I can connect USB devices like hard drives with no problem, but keyboards and mice don't work. I'm forced to connect them through PS2 ports, where they work fine. I've also noticed, since then, several times the machine has hung up, and has inspected the C-drive for errors upon bootup.

I have a logitech G15 keyboard and MX510 mouse and need to get them working via USB again. When I plug them into USB, they are detected, but I get error messages saying failure upon install and ":unable to find the file". I've uninstalled and reinstalled numerous gateway drivers (chipset, media card interface, VIIV, and 3 others) as well as the latest logitech drivers. I also reset my BIOS to default values. All I get now is devices with error indicators in Device Manager.

I've tried Gateway support, but they're telling me to reinstall Viata (hours and hours of work). Would appreciate any other thoughts.

Answer : Problem: Logitech G15 keyboard and MX510 mouse USB issues with Vista 32bit


Regarding #2, what I do is after installing Vista I usually run the update program that comes with your PC, and for you it's the Gateway update already said that you already updated various drivers from Gateway, so probably it's not the software driver that's being corrupted, the fluctation of the power supply (lack of power supply) probably affected some circuits in your MOBO (motherboard), if I were you I would bring the computer to a service shop, for them to be able to check the hardware components of your PC.
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