Question : Problem: Video chat (iChat to AIM)

I bought a new firewire webcam specifically to use with AIM 5.5 on a PC I have in the house so when I am on the road with my Powerbook I can video chat with my family. So far I have had very limited success in getting it to work. Following is what I have experienced.

The PC is running XP and according to the manufacturer of the camera uses the default (generic) driver in XP to see the camera. It does see the camera for all of it's proprietary programs. It also sees the webcam when I set the Video/Audio options under AIM prefs. However, when I go to use the camera in video chat (and this is where if you haven't used AIM I may lose some of you) it returns the message "Camera Not Found" under the tab "My Camera" yet I can see the video from the Mac under the "My Buddy" tab. The Mac end cannot see the video from the PC and there is no little green video camera in iChat next to the PC users name.

So, earlier I said I had limited success. I contacted another PC user running AIM 5.5 and opened a video chat. Once again I got the "Camera Not Found" msg but they could see me, unlike my experience on the Mac, and I could see them, just not myself (inset or under My Camera tab).

What would be ideal is if someone out there has the same setup, i.e. Pyro webcam and AIM 5.5, but I would settle for any leadership in this manner. I have run out of ideas. I have placed this story on 6 HELP sites (PC and Mac) and received nothing of substance.

Searching the web has returned nothing of substance either. So anyone out there that can help me?

Answer : Problem: Video chat (iChat to AIM)

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