Question : Problem: Messaging application on my Windows Mobile 6 device will not run

I come from a Palm OS background and I have a new Windows Mobile 6 device, an HTC Touch from Sprint. It has been working fine but a few days ago I noticed that my mail application, that syncs with Outlook Web Access, will not open. My Today screen shows I have 3 messages (which is out of date now) but when I click on it nothing happens. I have tried running Messaging from the Programs folder but again nothing happens. All other application lauch and work fine, only Messaging won't run.

I have searched the PDA's file system for the executable but I don't really know what it is called or where it is located. Is there a way to delete/remove it and reinstall it? It is not listed in the Add/Remove programs section of my Windows Mobile Device Center.

I know with the Palm OS you can wipe everything clean and restore it from the ROM. Not that I want to do that yet, but is there a similar process for the Windows Mobile Device?

I would really appreciate any help. I can't check my email anymore from my phone. I have already pressed the reset button a few times to no avail.

Clifton Foster

Answer : Problem: Messaging application on my Windows Mobile 6 device will not run

I figured it out. Rather than cancel this post in case anyone else has this problem I will post what I found out.

A few days ago I removed the flash storage card from my phone to copy some videos onto it from my PC. When I reinserted the card into my phone it created a new name for it so that I had the original "Storage Card" folder and a new "Storage Card 2" folder. At this time, none of the applications that I had installed on the storage card would work.

What I did at that time to get access back to my card was I renamed "Storage Card" to "Storage Card 3" and then renamed "Storage Card 2" to "Storage Card". All of the applications on the storage card started working again. That is, all except the messaging program which I didn't notice until later and by that time it never crossed my mind that it might be related.

I just noticed that there was still a subfolder under the "Storage Card 3" folder (which I hadn't deleted) called "Inbox.mst29925578.116102912" and inside that folder one called "Mail Attachments". The same Inbox folder existed under the real "Storage Card" folder but did not have the "Mail Attachments" folder in it. That's when I started to suspect that the messaging program might be trying to find the "Mail Attachments" folder and crashing because it was not there. I copied the "Mail Attachments" folder from where it existed into the "Inbox.mst29925578.116102912"  under the "Storage Card" folder and now the Messaging program runs and I can receive email once again.
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