Question : Problem: Wireless Or Ethernet Hangs at aquiring network address
First off, all of our teachers are using dell laptops. One of them called me up last week telling me she cant print. So I immediately discovered she was not connected to the wireless access point. Ive done winsock xp fix, ive set a static ip for her (works), but she really needs to be able to use the wireless at home. When connecting to both wired and wireless, it hangs at acquiring network address, there is no mac filtering on the router, other clients can connect no problem, the dhcp is not out of leases.
What could It be?, im dying here!
Answer : Problem: Wireless Or Ethernet Hangs at aquiring network address
At the screen where you can type in a IP Address on the Wifi card there should be an extra tab called Alternate Configuration. Attached is a picture of the screen. You can set one as DHCP and one as Static.
(40 KB)
(File Type Details)
IP Screen
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