Question : Problem: Raid - can only create one array - serveRAID

IBM xSeries 235 Xeon
Windows 2000 Server
6 x SCSI hdds
1 x DLT tape drive

Previously the server had 2 scsi hdds and an integrated Raid controller.  Now it has a new raid controller in pci-x, 4 new scsi hdds and I haven't touched the integrated controller.

I have installed a new Adaptec Ultra320 SCSI raid controller in the pci-x slot in the server but can't seem to create more than one array.

I'm using the boot disc that came with the controller, which loads the linux gui serveRAID.  I can see all the scsi hdds and the raid controller appears, as well as the old on-board controller.

The new controller shows all 6 hdds, and the old controller shows the tape drive.

Before serveRAID boots off CD, some raid information comes up saying the RAID status is invalid.  But in serveRAID it shows the new controller so I assume it meant the old raid is now invalid.

When installing a RAID controller does the old controller need to be disabled?  Is this migration and is it a dangerous procedure?

Answer : Problem: Raid - can only create one array - serveRAID

Sorry, made mistake (about only one array). Your card won't add additional channel (but supported drives amount remains the same).

Where to install: , choose 'visual tour', 'internal view'. Your card should be inserted in fourth from the top slot (the longest one). It will work as supposed only in that slot.

"The 6i and 6i+ are physically identical adapters. The only difference is that the 6i+ is flashed at the factory to V7.0 firmware to support the x206 and x306. A ServeRAID-6i+ is also supported in servers that support the ServeRAID-6i."

I was unable to find ServeRAID-6i+ installation guide, but, according to Adaptec site, ServeRAID-6i+ will take control of integrated RAID (and will hide it). Full backup is recommended. When creating RAID, all data is lost, but since you already have one mirror, in your case data should be preserved (I am not sure, that data won't be lost - better check instructions that came with card).
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