Question : Problem: Remote Desktop between PC and MAC behind firewall/NAT

I am very familiar with products to connect PC to PC when one or both machines are behind a firewall/router/NAT, such as Teledesktop, and even MSN Messenger.

However, I have a friend who is using Mac OSX Tiger and needs my technical assistance when he travells internationally.  Can anyone advise of a Mac solution to connect between PC and MAC that would reverse connect to bypass firewall issues?  I assume it would use VNC protocols.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Answer : Problem: Remote Desktop between PC and MAC behind firewall/NAT

The FREE LogMeIn service puts a client application on the Mac that allows remote login through firewalls (it uses ssh and few other bits)

While travelling in China recently I was able to remote login to my Mac in several web-cafes and read/send emails, and perform other tasks without problems.  Really convenient, VERY easy to set up and FREE

Have a look.
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