Question : Problem: Abrupt system shutdown at a constant rate

Hi, I am trying to troubleshoot a friend's computer that started to lately experience abrupt shutdown at a constant rate. The shutdown occurs whenever the system is under stressful activity, like playing a game, intensive program activity..etc. basically any load on the CPU would trigger system shutdown.

The manner of the shutdown is abrupt. no the usual "Windows is shutting down" , BSOD screen ..etc. It pc turn itself down as though the power was lost.

Typically that would be an overheating issue so I asked her to check the temperature of the CPU, according to the temperature reading in the screenshot she sent me (using Everest ulitmate edition) shown below the CPU looks normal, both cores are 21C and 33C respectively which as far as I know is an excellent temperature. I also took the liberty of checking other readings in the screenshot such as the GPU temperature that is 57c which I believe is normal as well. Someone suggested that the PSU might be at fault but the voltage values for the 3.3V, 5V and 12V show constant readings of 3.30V, 4.95V, and 11.90v respectively which is close enough, so PSU voltage should be stable

No recent changes were made to the hardware of the system, it has been running fine as it is for several months. Only recently the issue started to occur

here is summary of the system specs

processor: amd athlon 64 x2 6000
ram :corsair ddr2 800 (pc 6400)
harddisks 2 x samsung spinpoint HD 500 GB 7200 16MB S-ATA-II retail
motherboard ASUS MB M2N-SLI deluxe
graphic card : geforce 8800GTS 512MB

Please see attached screenshot as well, other readings might contain usefull information

Thanks in advance

Answer : Problem: Abrupt system shutdown at a constant rate

ok - fair enough = bad PS
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