Question : Problem: CPU Not recognized as correct speed in Inspiron 9300

I am working on an Inspiron 9300, Pentium M 1.86.  The processor speed is listed as 92MHZ, 216MHZ, 500MHZ, etc.  All incorrect speeds, I have enabled Speedstep within the BIOS, flashed to an earlier version of BIOS, changed power management settings.  In cpuz my Core Speed is now listed as 233MHZ  (6X Multiplier 39 FSB)  This is pretty whacked,  how do I change back to factory default settings.  One weird thing is my processor is saying its running hotter than 80 Celcius, This is false as Heatsink is almost cold to touch.  I believe the multiplier on this processor is 14 and fsb should be 133?  How would I change this to how its supposed to be.  Ive tried NHC (Notebook Hardware Control) RM Clock, none of these programs give me an option to manually change the FSB and Multiplier.  (or they dont work).  Thanks

Answer : Problem: CPU Not recognized as correct speed in Inspiron 9300

The few times i have seen this issue its usually a bad motherboard but i have seen a bad cpu cause it also. Sound slike the motherboard in this case the sensor is reading incorrectly and throttling the cpu's FSB causing it to run slower. Boot to the utility partition(f12 during post) or drivers and utilities cd and run a diagnostic on the sensors. Is the system still under warranty?
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