Question : Problem: asus a7v600 warning sound?


athlon 2400+
asus A7V600 (using o/b sound and lan)
1 GIG pc2700 (1 512mb chip and 2 256mb chips)
MSI Geforce 4 ti4600
Seagate 120GB SATA HDD
350W PSU

Everything is running fine, no probs, everything reports fine, no reboots or crashes, yet once in awhile when running there is some weird high pitched noise (very annoying-like a smoke detector alarm would sound) coming from the motherboard. It seems to happen when the HD goes idle (maybe). Any idea what this could be?

Answer : Problem: asus a7v600 warning sound?

It could be a faulty Hard drive. I would also check the 3 event logs ( NT/Win2k.XP ) for any warnings/ errors.

I would make sure that all of your important data is backed up !!

 I hope this helps !
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