Question : Problem: Sony Vaio - Wont Boot - PSU Blown?

Hey there, I was recently given a Sony Vaio PCG-GR250P that hadn't been touched for around 120 days and I didn't recieve the Sony power adapter so I bought a Kensington one that said it should work. When I plug the Kensington adapter into the Vaio, the adapter says it can sense the Vaio, but the Vaio cannot sense the power adapter and refuses to boot up. Could my PSU somehow be shot? Or should I return the power adapter and try another? Oh and I'm using the 11v and 12v adapters, none of them seem to work, maybe I bought the wrong one? Thanks!

Answer : Problem: Sony Vaio - Wont Boot - PSU Blown?

The VAIO GR series use at a very minimum 16V, most of them use 19V - check the sticker on the base of the unit (should be near the S/N sticker) which will tell you what Voltage and Current (A) it requires.

Also VAIO PSU's are kind of clever (annoyingly so) they will refuse to boot unless you have at lest the minimum voltage attached, and will also not boot beyond a certain voltage, this is by design to prevent slow operation and at higher voltages, damage to the system.

So for example I have a GR3 series (EU model) here that uses 16V, it will not boot off a 12V or a 19V adapter, only a 16V.

My advise is just go get a SONY adapter, either a 19V3 ofr a 16V4 (whichever the sticker shows) it will give you less headaches!..or you could use to check the compatible adapters for this model as well.

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