Question : Problem: Converting SDLT tape to LTO 3 tape

I'm trying to see if it is even possible to convert the data that is on a SDLT tape to a LTO 3 tape.

We are about to upgrade one of our last backup servers that are still running on SDLT tapes to a LTO 3 tape loader. We have yearly archives that are stored and I would like to try and get all past tapes that are still SDLT over to LTO 3 so I don't have to hold on to our old tape drive indefinately.

Anyone know if this is even possible, something that I can buy to do this, or services out there that will do it for me? We currently use Backup Exec but I'm sure that doesn't matter.

Answer : Problem: Converting SDLT tape to LTO 3 tape

There are alot of services that will do it for you.  I belive Iron Mountain can do it.  

If you have both tape drives set up you might be able to do it with backup exec.  I use brighstor so I can't test myself.
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