Question : Problem: Wireless Authentication window through RADIUS without active directory

HI i have one linksys wireless AP and i want to use this for our visitor. suppose visitor come and when they found "Visitor" (SSID) and try to connect, a simple user and password will prompt to login them. after putting the credemtials, they can use the internet and other resources..
please remember active directory is not in picture...

Any step by step help from anyone.....

Answer : Problem: Wireless Authentication window through RADIUS without active directory

Here is an alternative(just thinkin' out loud)....

I am guessing you don't want to invest at this time in the additional expense of Cisco devices; right or wrong?

Per my diagram below:

  • You will need, a box that you can install IAS and possibly a CA(Certificate Authority) on. 
  • If you dont have one and just wannt experiment, download vmware server(for free) and you can beat it p all you want. 
  • If you do not have a managed network switch, you will at least need multiple NICs in your server.  Two NICs, one for the Guest LAN and one for your Corp LAN 
  • Try this out 
  • The IAS box will house your usernames and passwords for access.  
The bottom line here, is that the Linksys AP will HAVE to connect to an external db for authentication.
Just a thought....
Just a thought....
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