Question : Problem: DLink NAS DNS323: specs, reviews, feedback needed


I've seen some reviews in about this product but a few
items are still missing or I need the latest update & calling the supposedly
24x7 hotline was met with fax/modem tone  :

a)saw that it did not support Ext3.  Does the latest model/firmware/patch
   now support Ext3?

b)anyone ever tried calling their 24x7 tech support hotline 65-6774-6322
   or there's another hotline & I got the number wrong?  Let me know if
   there's any other hotline

c)I need a feature for NAS : to be able to permission folders/files for access
   by a certain group of user(s):  eg: user1 could have read+write+control,
   user2 reads only, all others no access

d)does the latest firmware/model supports LDap authentication & ssh login
   (ie password is encrypted)

Heard it's lifetime warranty but not exactly sure what this mean

Most welcome any other feedback (good or bad)

Answer : Problem: DLink NAS DNS323: specs, reviews, feedback needed

Hi. currently i am using NAS DNS 323

1. i am using the latest firmware  1.05 and it not support ex3

2. you may call you local DLINK Support.

3. Yes, it support Folder permission; read and read & write.

4. with my current firmware  1.05 is not support LDAP.

Is quite good product but is depend where you going to use.
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