Question : Problem: system fan failed message


i read about this error alot online, but i can't seem to figure out why it happens to my HP desktop.  first of all, all the fans seems to be working.  further more, when i get this message, i shut down the computer, and then that message goes away during startup.   could this be a false warning?

Answer : Problem: system fan failed message

>> the case fan is the one going at 808RPM

I think that is the one giving you problems.

As for the old paste issue, it needs to come off.
Use rubbing alcohol (90% or higher is best) on a soft rag or Q-tips, and get it all off. And wipe off any residue after it dries.
Do not put the new paste on too thick, either. Too much is as bad as too little. Some people say a dab about the size of a bb in the center is good, but I prefer to "paint" a very thin layer on the cpu heatshield with a stiff piece of paper (business cards work well)
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