Question : Problem: VMWare or Citrix as a Career ?

Hi xperts,

Am in a big confusion.. In my company am being offered to choose VMWare and Citrix as career options for which the Company is going to Train me!! I need to choose any one as my Primary Career! Am confused here as I know both of Citrix and VMWare!!
Can you guys advice me which one will be more beneficial on the Long run ???



Answer : Problem: VMWare or Citrix as a Career ?

A tricky one this as it involves a bit of crystal ball gazing to second guess what will happen in the future

My opinion is that I'd go for VMware as Virtualisation is huge and will only continue to grow during the global recession as people try to justify budgets and make money go further.

I certainly use my VMware skills and certification knowledge much more than I do my Citrix skills these days

In a few years time then the virtualisation market will likely  look a lot different as MS catch up but then that's what we said about Terminal Services and although it has steadily improved it's always been behind Winframe/Metaframe/PresentationServer/XenApp.

Just my opinion though

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