Question : Problem: Marvell Yukon LAN Port Showing a Yellow Exclamation Mark in System Properties


I've just bought a new motherboard as my old board seemed to be playing up (barely any USB ports, a LAN port that wasn't working properly, CPU fan not working unless I plugged it into a case fan header instead of the cpu fan header, yadda, yadda, yadda). My new board is a Gigabyte GA-8I848P-G (weblink here:

I've installed the board and plugged just the basic stuff back in (1 HDD and 1 DVD/RW and 1 512MB of RAM). I've managed to reinstall XP Home by quick formatting the HDD and reinstalling the files. Once I was through the blue setup screens (user name, automatic protect selection for SP2, etc) XP started fine. I then installed the motherboard CD to install the chipset driver, LAN driver and on-board Audio Driver. Everything goes smoothly and installs and then my PC auto-restarts.

However, once my PC has restarted I cannot get any LAN connection. I've checked the System Properties and there is a yellow exclamation mark next to the LAN entry. The LAN port is a Marvell Yukon blah blah blah (can't remember the rest of it!) but the box says it's got a Gigabit Ethernet Controller if that means anything.

I've tried reinstalling the driver from the CD and although this seems to work, I still get the yellow exclamation mark. I tried reinstalling the driver by using the Update Driver option and then choosing the Have DIsk option. However, XP cannot find any suitable driver on the CD for my LAN port. So I installed my USB modem and went to the Gigabyte website to download their driver.

When I tried installing that driver, it told me that it was going to update my WAN Miniport driver (or something like that) but before it could finish my PC just switched itself off and rebooted. When XP restaretd I got the box that said Windows had recovered from a serious error did I wat to report it. So I tried installing the Gigabyte driver again, same thing happened.

Next I went to the Marvell Yukon website and downloaded their driver. Same thing tho, the PC just stops and reboots before the driver finishes installing. No matter what I've tried, I just cannot get the bleeding LAN port to work. I've just received my SKY Netgear Router and want to plug the ethernet cable into it, but I can't if the port aint working.

I'd be grateful if anyone can shed some light on what might be causing this. I've never had this sort of trouble with LAN ports before, but now I've had issues with two in the last 2 weeks and the boards were from different manufacturers. Help please!!!!



PS. The Add New Hardware wizard reports that the LAN port couldn't be installed and showed a Code 10 the first time I tried. The next time, it showed a different error code, but I can't remember what that one was.

Answer : Problem: Marvell Yukon LAN Port Showing a Yellow Exclamation Mark in System Properties

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