Question : Problem: VPN server with single NIC

I'm trying to set up a small business environment that is reached through the internet via a static IP.  Behind the IP is a Linksys router/firewall (don't get started about the Linksys - not my idea).  The router then points to 2 Dell/ Windows 2003 servers with single NIC interfaces.  I'm am attempting to set up a VPN using server 1 as the VPN server (pointed to by the router).  I can connect just fine to the VPN server from my laptop over the internet but, once in the network, I cannot see the second server.  Everything I read says I need to add a second NIC to the VPN server in order to make this work.  Is this true?  I've been unable to locate any settings (TCP/IP, firewall/router, etc.) that will allow, or force, VPN server to pass traffice to the second server.  Any suggestions or am I just going to have to go with the second NIC.      

Answer : Problem: VPN server with single NIC

Since you've posted this in the SBS Zone, I'll assume one of the servers is a Small Business Server?

If so, then you should be using that as your VPN endpoint.  Run the Configure Remote Access Wizard on the SBS and then make sure that port 1723 is pointing to it from the Router.

Your second server needs to have been joined to the domain properly (the SBS way) as well.  See for instructions.

General SBS networking configuration:

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