Question : Problem: Dell PowerEdge 800 Fan Speed Issues

We have a Dell PowerEdge 800 that the fan on the back chasis (not power supply) that spins at max speeds, will not slow down. We have checked and updated the BIOS and OpenManage, neither have support for the Fan (Speed settings etc.).

Motherboard was replaced within first year, now it is out of warranty.

Is there a Utility (preferable Dell) that would allows us to manipulate the fan?

Answer : Problem: Dell PowerEdge 800 Fan Speed Issues

I don't think you have any manual control. They just set the speed based on internal temp and possibly cpu load. I just recall that they slow down once the OS has come up, which indicates control comes from a driver. Dell isn't exactly helpful about which software does what, but the system type packages would be my first aim. The only other thought is a secondary fan failure internal, so the one left goes flat out.
Hope it helps.
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