Question : Problem: DVD drive installing problem under XP

A new DVD-RW  device was installed in an old desktop additionally to a CD-drive. BIOS does correctly recognize old CD-drive but not the new one. Jumpers are now set master old CD drive, slave new DVD RW. IDE cables connected accordingly.
Under Windows XP prof. I can  see both drives and drivers installed as correct, but DVD drive does not work except for opening and closing slide. Tried all possible combinations of master and slave with jumpers and IDE cables and also DVD-RW alone but to no effect. Tried also reinstalling drivers.
Would blame DVD-RW as faulty but I remember experiencing the same phenomena when installing an additionally older DVD-R drive with an originally installed DVD-RW drive on an desktop under XP. At the time just did not follow up the problem but now I am curious.

Answer : Problem: DVD drive installing problem under XP

When you say the drive doesnt work - do you mean that the contents of the DVD's cannot be seen? Or is there a specific error message that Windows XP pops up?

Since you say that XP detects and installs the drive without any problem, have you tried using a different CD/DVD. If there is a problem only reading DVD's - there may a problem with your udfs.sys which is fixed in SP2. MS has a solution to the problem on their support site.

As for slave/master settings - simplest would be to remove all jumpers and put it in by itself on an IDE channel - that will take care of it. Depending on the age of the older computer it might not be able to detect the drive due to an older BIOS. You might want to try flashing the bios with a newer firmware.
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