Question : Problem: Keyboard/mouse freeze

Computer is an Acer Aspire p166 with 16 RAM.  Always worked fine until 1 month ago.  The scanner (Visioneer Paperport 3100b) stopped working (power supply unit burned out).  I disconnected the scanner and then the power/surge strip that everything was plugged into quit.  New surge strip in place & now computer works for about 10 minutes on a cold boot & then the mouse & keyboard freeze.  The whole computer isn't frozen because if a CD is placed in the drive music will play or a program will load (keyboard/mouse still frozen).  I have to turn the computer off to restart it and the next time it freezes sooner.  I have tried running the computer with the cover off & a large fan blowing on it without making a difference.  Mouse was tested on another computer & is fine.  I can't test the keyboard as it has a different type of connector.  Screen saver & power saver disabled & everything out of the startup program.  Any solutions?

Answer : Problem: Keyboard/mouse freeze

Even though you disconnected it, the paperport scanner software may be freezing it up, so I looked for

Procedures to uninstall the paperport software.

Quoting from

"1. Uninstall PaperPort from the computer by clicking on the Windows "Start" button and selecting "Control Panel" and then double clicking on the "Add/Remove Programs" icon.

2. When the "Add/Remove Programs" dialog box opens, select Visioneer from the list and click on the "Add/Remove" button. Follow the on screen instructions.

3. After the uninstall is complete restart the computer.

If you are uninstalling a Visioneer flatbed scanner, continue with the next step, otherwise proceed to step 7 :

4. Right mouse click on the Windows "Start" button select "Explore" from the pop up menu.

5. When the "Explorer" window opens, scroll through the list of folders on the left-hand side and locate the folder called "Twain_32" and click on the plus (+) sign next to it, to expand the view.

6. Now click on the "PaperPort" folder and select the folder that matches the scanning hardware you have. Right mouse click on it and select "Delete" from the pop up menu. (Note if the Twian_32 or the PaperPort folder do not exist, just omit this step).

7. Now from the Windows "Start" button select "Find" and then "Files or Folders". When the "Find: All Files" dialog box opens type MAXLINK.INI in the "Named" field and click on the "Find Now" button. Make sure the entire drive is being "Looked" in. Once the file appears in the lower box, right mouse click on it and select "Delete" from the pop up menu. "

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