Question : Problem: SMS 2003 Custom Report Needed

I'm looking for a custom report in SMS 2003 that will first list all computer names in a collection then allow you to drill down and check the inventoried files for the computer you select.

Also are there are good online resources for SMS custom reports?

Answer : Problem: SMS 2003 Custom Report Needed

You could just use Resource Explorer on a particular computer by right clicking it from within an existing collection.

NB: If you wish to modify an existing report, it's actually better, to right click the Report you want and then select "Clone Report", sorry not at an SMS Console so not sure if that's the right terminology, but basically it replicates that particular report, you can then rename it to something else.

One of the best resources I know for SMS is MyITForum it has lots of tools you can use as well as blogs on a number of things to do with SMS.

Hope that helps.

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