Question : Problem: I Phone Hardware Expert Opinion Needed

My question is simple to ask, and im sure quite technical to explain.  I have been reading that most Cellular phones are hard wired to only operate on their set frequencies, and this is not possible to change with Software.  The given frequencies in which the networks use are from what im able to find set in the Firmware, or possibly even in the hardware used.  My question is this, since most GPS networks operate on a separate frequency something like 1720 MHZ, is the IPhone operating at that frequency for its gps or is it using Cell tower Triangulation.  Furthermore would it be possible to change the frequency an I Phone is able to transmit and/or recieve, to an alternate frequency at the programmers choice through software.

Answer : Problem: I Phone Hardware Expert Opinion Needed

Again I am not sure but the chances of the chip even being capable of the frequency that you want is an highly unlikely.. To be honest it is a rather mute point as getting this to work with the iphone, with firmware mods etc is going to be impossible...

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