Question : Problem: UPS still beeping after battery replaced.

Our APC Smart UPS 1500 was beeping for a minute every 5 hours and the replace battery light was on. I removed the old battery and replaced with a new one but the red light is still on and it has since beeped again.

Do I need to give it more time or could there be another problem?

Answer : Problem: UPS still beeping after battery replaced.

This is what worked for me in the end:

Please note that there is no need to power on the UPS for getting it charged. Just connect the UPS power cord to the AC Wall out let and switch on the AC Wall out let, automatically the UPS will get charged.
Once the UPS is charged for 16 hours then please attempt to start the Smart UPS product off its battery by cold starting it. There are 2 ways different ways to do this. First try to turn it on while its unplugged from the wall. If the Led does not come on then Hold the on power button in until you here a long beep and let it got before the beep finishes (usually about 4 seconds). When the unit is started off its battery it will indicate it is using its battery to power the unit.
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