Question : Problem: Remote recovery

I am starting a game server company so my data on my drives is always changing. I am wondering what is the best software to use to provide backup and recovery including IP's ect and can be done remotely.

I am also wondering if I should be using a raid setup, I am not 100% after one running on the servers but is it possible to get a raid rack and if so should I or will the recovery software be enough for now?

Answer : Problem: Remote recovery

People expect (I know I do) a certain degree of reliability from their service providers - if you don't provide that, your company will fail.  

No you never said "RAID is backup", but your question wording made it appear you considered it a form of backup and it's not.  RAID is not expensive, depending on what you are doing.  What are your servers?  Are you using SCSI, ATA, SATA?  What OS?  You've left out some pretty important details.  You know how much RAID costs?  The price of an extra hard disk.  That's it.  NOTHING MORE.  IDEALLY, you'll use hardware RAID, but software RAID is just as effective.

How do you think I was "waffling"?

To put simply, I think anyone who would consider NOT using RAID on a SERVER of almost any sort is making a huge mistake and needs to reevaluate the importance of the systems on their network.

And if you want to make price a factor, post that in your question - while I would always consider it in my comments (unless otherwise directed not to), I expect serious businesses - especially those in a business that wouldn't be in business without computers - to have a certain degree of flexibility in their pricing.  And $80-100 per server doesn't seem like an excessive amount when a basic server is going to cost you 8-10 times that AT LEAST.
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