Question : Problem: Can anyone shed any light on what the difference is between the MSI 790X and the 790FX chipsets

i have doner several serches but cant seem to find anything

the FX chipset board are more expensive - is it worth the extra and Can anyone shed any light on what the difference is between the MSI 790X and the 790FX chipsets

Answer : Problem: Can anyone shed any light on what the difference is between the MSI 790X and the 790FX chipsets

The difference is really in graphics support with the FX chips supporting CrossfireX this allows up to 4 GPUs to be run together.  They also support the Phenom FX CPUs which are probably AMDs last ditch at trying to recover the serious games market from Intel's Dual/Quad Cores.

Other smaller advantages are the FX being very flexible for O/C'ing with AMD's own software.

Risky investment IMHO as there is no track record yet for the Phenoms, this is serious gaming territory and if you have an FX based board you would be looking at investing into some serious PCI-E 2.0 GPU cards to make buying the board worthwhile.

...oh and you get some extra SATA ports ..
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