Question : Problem: Reporting Hard Disk Size in Virtual Memory Wrong

I have an AMD Computer and it's reporting I have -11643 MB Free on my Dive C: when actually I have 52.6 GB free in virtual memory.  I called the guy that built this computer and he said there was a problem with Windows its self.  I did a reformat and reinstalled Windows ME.  I still have the same problem.  My computer freezes up all the time.  I'm sending my system information below:
OS Name     Microsoft Windows
Version     4.90.3000   Build 3000
OS Manufacturer     Microsoft Corporation
System Name     O3N2O0
System Manufacturer     Not Available
System Model     Not Available
System Type     X86-based PC
Processor     AMD Athlon(tm) Processor AuthenticAMD ~1200 Mhz
BIOS Version     Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
Windows Directory     C:\WINDOWS
Locale     United States
Time Zone     Central Standard Time
Total Physical Memory     511.45 MB
Available Physical Memory     253.61 MB
Total Virtual Memory     2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory     1.66 GB
Page File Space     1.50 GB

I don't have a clue on how to fix this.  These freeze ups are driving me crazy.  I bought the game Zoo Tycoon and it freezes up my computer everytime.
Please help.
Sherry Bell

Answer : Problem: Reporting Hard Disk Size in Virtual Memory Wrong

Fix Run/msconfig/startup SSDPSRV  to
Run/msconfig/startup UNCHECK SSDPSRV
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