Question : Problem: iPhone 3G 2.1 can not sync with exchange "Outside" LAN

Hello and thanks in advance,
we have Windows 2003 Small Bus. and Exchange 2003 SP 2
i have configured the iphone to sync with exchange and it does with no problem with i am inside the network, but as soon as i switch to 3G or use Wifi at home, it keep giving me the error msg "The connection to the server has failed"
things i tried
access to OWA from outside = works
acc OMA from outside =works (
i get this when accessing OMA using IE 7.

The device type you are using is not supported. Press Ok to continue.

Ok, and do not warn me again
and when i click ok i see a text version of my inbox

access to OMA from iPhone when over 3G works (same msg. as above comes)

can someone please help me.
Thank you,

Answer : Problem: iPhone 3G 2.1 can not sync with exchange "Outside" LAN

I cant believe it ! i solved it !!! the problem was the active sync service in IIS was only accepting connection from INSIDE the network, dont know how i missed it !!!! :)
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