Question : Problem: SMART-UPS 1000 gives discharged battery warning even after replacing batteries

We have an APC SMART-UPS 1000 battery backup that gives a "discharged battery" and "Insufficient runtime available" error.  We bought new batteries for it and replaced them.  After the new batteries were in place, we still get the same errors.  The "UPS Status" shows that the UPS state is discharged.  "Battery Status" is also discharged with a capacity that randomly goes up and down (usually it stays at 100%, sometimes goes down to 83%, etc.).  It shows that the batteries were replaced, and a diagnostic self-test returns with a result of "Passed."  What's the problem?


Answer : Problem: SMART-UPS 1000 gives discharged battery warning even after replacing batteries

Check battery voltages with a multimeter.
If not correct on both then you got a/some bum batteries.

If batt volts is good then I'd say:
The Diagnostic self test (I think) does not test the battery monitoring circuit.
If that is bad the battery status will be reported incorrectly to the rest of the UPS.
- The 100%/83% cycling is possibly a symptom of that problem.

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