Question : Problem: Computer making strange beeping noise when under stress

My computer is making a fast  beeping noise( that repeats with no end) when I am gaming.  It is a new computer with vista.  It only seems to happen when I stress the computer.  It doesnt cause the computer to turn off or display an error message.  Here are my specs:

Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33Ghz, Asus P5K-V MB, 2GB Kingston DDR2 Ram, 32GB Western Digital Raptor 10,000RPM Sata Drive, Chaintech 8800GTS 512MB PCI-Exp Video Card, Antec NSK4480B w/430 Thermaltake PSU, LG DVDRW, Microsoft Vista Ultimate

Answer : Problem: Computer making strange beeping noise when under stress

Odds are your computer is overheating. Check to see if your fans or heatsinks are full of dust. To double check download speedfan: and install it. Then load the application and see what your temperatures are.

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