Question : Problem: Backup Exec giving errors and failing

I am running Veritas Backup Exec V10.0 and am getting the following error message:

Backup- SVR-LN-DC
AOFO: Initialization failure on: "Shadow?Copy?Components". Advanced Open File Option used: Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
VSS Snapshot error. The Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) snapshot failed. Make sure that all provider services and tasks are running. Check the Windows Event Viewer for details.

After checking under the Windows Event viewer I find the following 2 errors:
Event Type:      Error
Event Source:      VSS
Event Category:      None
Event ID:      12310
Date:            14/11/2005
Time:            21:06:21
User:            N/A
Computer:      SVR-LN-DC
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The shadow copy could not be committed - operation timed out. Error context: DeviceIoControl(\\?\Volume{211e6764-f1f5-11d9-8840-806e6f6e6963} - 000000E8,0x0053c010,00037708,0,00038710,4096,[0]).

Event Type:      Error
Event Source:      VSS
Event Category:      None
Event ID:      12298
Date:            14/11/2005
Time:            21:06:21
User:            N/A
Computer:      SVR-LN-DC
Volume Shadow Copy Service error: The I/O writes cannot be held during the shadow copy creation period on volume \\?\Volume{211e6764-f1f5-11d9-8840-806e6f6e6963}\. The volume index in the shadow copy set is 0. Error details: Open[0x00000000], Flush[0x00000000], Release[0x80042314], OnRun[0x00000000].

I have has Shadow Copy running for the past 4/5 days without any problems to the backup.


Answer : Problem: Backup Exec giving errors and failing

make sure you visit the veritas site and install the latest update and fixes that tends to alleviate 95% of the errors I get in veritas
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