Question : Problem: Problem trying to save and open an .XHT repot with Excel viewer in a Citrix environment

In my company we are using a  website call "expoexchange" in order to access our conference reports. The expoexchange site uses a citrix metaframe in order for us to access our reports. The reports have a .XHT extension and we are supposed to be able to open them using an Excel viewer. Unfortunately, we can't open the reports,  when we try to open the reports we are getting the following error " Microsoft excel Viewer can not open files of this type" also, we need to save the files onto our local hard drives but we can't. we do not see our local drives.
So far I have done:
1: I checked for XHT and XLS files under file types\folder options
2. The .XHT file is set up to open with Internet explorer and the box to confirm open to download is checked
3. The XLS file is there but I can not set the "Set as Deafult" Open action because the tab is gray out. The confirm open to download is checked.
3. I checked all the security settings and the computers are set up to prompt for donwloads.
By any chance can anybody helpme? I need to know how can I open the .XHT files and how can I save those files onto our local hard drives. I'm not that familiar with citrix

Answer : Problem: Problem trying to save and open an .XHT repot with Excel viewer in a Citrix environment

thanks for your reply.
As a matter of fact I contacted the vendor many times and their solutions did not work. Therefore, i decided to contact one of the gurus at "experts-exchange"  to help me to find a solution.

The good thing, my problem was solved. I don't know what the vendor did but they gave us a new way to log onto their servers and whoala, we are able to get our reports.

So, I don't have a problem anymore.
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