Question : Problem: how to fix bios problem

some one gave me a earlier answer about computer not recognizing drive a  and drive  b  they said it might be a bios problem. if it is how do i go in and correct the bios???

I cant reload a new bios because it will not let me use the drives..


Answer : Problem: how to fix bios problem


Sounds like a CMOS config problem. Perhaps your CMOS battery is dying. Be sure to check it.

To get CMOS to recognize your drives:

When your computer is counting the memory on boot up, try to enter your CMOS setup.
This varies with each computer, but usually its the <F1> or <DEL> keys.  Your screen should say 'Hit <KEY> to Enter Setup'

Once you get there, go to general setup and check to see if your A drive or B drive is setup.  It will be under the Floppy headings.  Following the instructions on the screen, change the settings to the type of floppy drives you have, and then save the changes and reboot.

These steps are pretty basic, and each CMOS is different, so take your time, and Good Luck.
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