Question : Problem: problem using ibm lto gen3 tape drive with backupexec 12

I have a brand new IBM LTO GEN3 tape drive with a fresh set of tapes... installed a trial of BackupExec 12 while the media is being delivered. However I always seem to get the following error:
Library error - incompatible storage media detected in robotic library.

The media does not seem to be recognized while the tape is in the device...

Also, the front of the drive has a flashing green light ...

Answer : Problem: problem using ibm lto gen3 tape drive with backupexec 12

My mistake, I assumed it was because of the error message

Check Device Manager, is the device recognized correctly? Open its properties and check the driver vendor. It should be symantec. If it's not stop all BE services and run tapeinst.exe to install Symantec drivers for the tape drive.

Double-check that the tapes and the drive match. Download the latest firmware from IBM and do a firmware upgrade on the drive. Check the troubleshooting portion of the tape drive manual and look for what the flashing light might mean.

If after all this it still doesn't work, I believe you're looking at a hardware failure
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