Question : Problem: Find PC Specification

Hello Experts

We've been given a task of checking the specification of all the Laptops/Desktops in the office to identify those most in need of replacement.

Although we've got a reasonable idea of what we're looking for (we think!!)

Processor Type and Speed
Cache Size
RAM Size
Hard Disk

is there anything else that we should be capturing and what is the easiest way of obtaining this information.

They seem to be primarily HP's(of varying ages) with a smattring of Dells and Compaqs, running Windows 2000 and XP

Unfortunately we're restricted from installing any software to help with this.

Any pointers would be most appreciated



Answer : Problem: Find PC Specification

Here's what I keep on my inventory list to help identify those pcs that need to be at the top of the replacement schedule:
OS (W2K goes first, even if hardware is better than Win XP system)
Date pc was purchased

I use these factors as a basic guideline for which pcs need replacing first.  Obviously, trouble pcs go first (you know, those few that something seems to go wrong with on a regular basis).  Past that, I first look at OS.  Getting everything on a standardized platform (i.e. Win XP) makes support easier.  Next, I kind of weigh date of purchase, RAM, and CPU.  Older pcs get first consideration if everything else if fairly equivalent.  RAM is an important consideration, with CPU a close second.  HD is probably the lowest priority.  Mostly because we have network storage for all documents, Exchange for email, etc.  My users won't fill up a 20GB hard drive, let alone the 80+ that are pretty standard in new workstations.

Hope this kind of information is what you were looking for.  Let me know if you need any clarifications, or further information.

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