Question : Problem: automatic backup software


I have the following question.

I have a MacOsX box... in Windows world, i use a program named "taskzip" or "Coiban Black Moon" to program screduled backups for important files...

I know that MacOS uses some thing called "Time Machine" to create backups, but i don't want to use it because it requires to buy an external hard disk drive...

i want to schedule backups for the "Mail", Skype (chats, contacts, etc) and Numbers/Excel files... i hope you can recomend me one

Answer : Problem: automatic backup software

Forget about TimeMachine if you just want scheduled backups of certain folders.
TimeMachine is only in OSX 10.5 Leopard (not available in 10.4 Tiger). It is designed for external drives or the pricey TimeCapsule and not tried-and-tested with Network Volumes.

There are lots of backup applications for OSX .. both SuperDuper and Carbon Copy Cloner can perform partial backups as well as full clone images.

There are other commercial programs like ...
Chronosync -
and others ...

If you're a command-line junkie .. look at rsync
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