Question : Problem: The SAMSUNG CDRWDVD SN 324F is not reading the contents of the CD

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I have a HP Pavilion ze5700 (ze5731US). The SAMSUNG CDRWDVD SN 324F is not reading the contents of the CD. I have tried everything including researching the solutions (I don't like to give away points for a repeat question:):))..... Just kidding.  I am running out of ideas and am close to concluding this as a hardware failure although I am inclined to believe it is software related. Here what I know so far...........

The user installed media player 10. Did not like media player 10 (there a lot of that going around) and tried to uninstall media player 10. He has not seen his SAMSUNG CDRWDVD SN 324F since the uninstall. We tried everything:

1. System Restore
2. Reinstall Media player
3. Windows repair (with the XP home disk)
4. Downloaded the latest drivers

Any help that I can get on this is greatly appreciated.....

Answer : Problem: The SAMSUNG CDRWDVD SN 324F is not reading the contents of the CD

you can try a sytem restore to a previous date when it worked.
One good thing to try still is booting from a cd, like a knoppix or XP cd, or a self made bootable CD. That way, no software problems can come in the way.

>>   when do I accept that this is hardware related   << That is up to you, if you feel you have exhausted all tests and possibilities.
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