Question : Problem: Wingate Settings affecting Remote Desktop Connection stablility?

I have a LAN with users sharing internet via a proxy running Wingate 6. We have made several connectivity changes lately (new ISP, new router, new proxy software : Wingate). Two users that regualarly use computers on the LAN utilize Windows's Remote Desktop Connection (on Windows 2000) to access a computer at the home office in another state. They are getting dropped off from their connection frequently after only a couple of minutes of inactivity.
1- Is there some way I can set on the WIngate software to help control this?
2- If it isn't the Wingate software, is there a way to troubleshoot that else might be causing this? (cabling, router,ISP).
Many thanks.

Answer : Problem: Wingate Settings affecting Remote Desktop Connection stablility?

I am giving up on seeking to improve a Remote Desktop session by tweaking  Wingate proxy settings.   I am instead going to make those connections outside of the proxy,  so those settings will not enter into it.
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