Question : Problem: Corrupt hibernation profile -> Corrupt security registry -> LSASS.EXE password errors -> and licensed software that can't be lost...

After carefully tip-toeing down the rabbit hole, I managed to trip and fall quite far on this one.

Here's the story as simply put as possible:

I took a workstation out of someone's office being it was taking up too much space.  However, the workstation has a very old software program which is no longer supported.  The program is not even able to be licensed by the manufacturer anymore!  By that, I mean the company claims that they "cannot" get us an activation key anymore.

This workstation was going to be setup with remote desktop and the user was to connect to the computer over our network.  The user currently had two computers in his office, and it was taking up way too much space.

When I powered on the computer, the desktop went into an infinite reboot.  I did not see a blue screen of any kind.  I was completely unable to log into any safe mode variant either.

The workstation does not have a recovery partition installed, as well.

I noticed as the computer booted, a gray, progress bar that loaded just prior to the Windows XP splash screen during the boot.  I assumed that this was the computer coming out of hibernation.

On a Live CD of Knoppix 5.3, I deleted hiberfil.sys and pagefile.sys (spelling may not be exact, but I'm sure you get the point).  These files were in the root C:\ and I am certain I deleted the right files.

Upon deletion, the computer still rebooted with no ability to go into safe mode.  I then thought I should try to repair the registry.  I followed the instructions at:;en-us;307545 .  All went smoothly....

Then the blue screen.  Stop: c0000218 {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file): \SystemRoot\System32\Config\SOFTWARE or its log or alternate

So... I attempted to repair the registry for a SECOND time.  Everything went smoothly....

Then the LSASS.EXE error!  Now, when I attempt to log into safe mode, I get LSASS.EXE "The value provided as the password is not correct".  Windows then instantly reboots... in all modes....

So... I try to go into recovery console again...  this time just to load my .bak files... nope.  I am then prompted for the administrator's password (leave blank if nothing).  I've tried that as well.

I am downloading a tool from SourceForge that should help get the password for the administrator.  I am not sure of the rules on Experts-Exchange regarding password cracking, so I will not list the name of the specific tool.  All I'll say about it is that it is a bootable cd.

I do have access to Acronis Universal Restore, but I have yet to walk that road.  I am almost certain that even if I get the computer to boot back up, the registration keys used for my archaic program will be expired.  Sadly, there are many formulas and other important files that would be needed to be extracted from this program.  I am not sure what exactly I can do at this point, but any help would be appreciated.

One other thing.  Please don't suggest this is a virus.  I am 100% certain it is not.

Thank You.

Answer : Problem: Corrupt hibernation profile -> Corrupt security registry -> LSASS.EXE password errors -> and licensed software that can't be lost...

i would suggest to download Darts (old ERD Commander)
you can do system restore, repair, and delete or change passwords :            
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