Question : Problem: W2K Adv Server clone and repair disk


My W2K Adv Server won't boot, gets up to GUI loading, BSOD before the logon prompt, "inaccessible_boot_device" (or something similar).

slaved to another W2K machine:
windows sees the drive but can not open folders/files, reports properties as 0 bytes unknown type
Disk Manager sees the drive as "healthy"
Recovery Console can not read the disk but DISKPART and MAP see the disk and report the details correctly
symptoms similar to Microsoft Q311724 - problem with $UsnJrnl or $LogFile
NTFSDOS basic read-only can see the disk and the folders/ files
my linux-based pwd recovery disk can see the disk and files

First I want to clone the disk to a new disk, then I will "experiment" on the clone for repair techniques before trying them on the original disk
Seagate Disc Wizard boot CD Copy Partition failed at 95% complete, Windows could not read the files afterward

I need a good disk clone freeware that will work

also - something that can copy/backup all my files to another disk would be good
also - I will eventually need some repair tools (I don't think CHKDSK is going to work)

Any opinions? - BartPE don't see the files either, UltimateBootCD - have it but haven't tried it yet, Ranish Partition Manager? D. Guibouret Partition Saving?


Answer : Problem: W2K Adv Server clone and repair disk

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