OK, so my friend got a pebl a few days ago, he needs to get his contacts on it so he has all his phone numbers etc.. I have a normal usb wire i am trying to use.. I have tried a few programs and they dont seem to be working, tired using datapilot and mobile phone tools... Thing is, I dont think its recognizing the phone because it is not using the right driver..The light will pop on the phone when i try and add a new phone in those programs, so it defintley sees something is connected but cant fully connect do to a driver.. Any ideas where i can find a free driver for this phone.. Also looking for a driver for my V 551 motorola phone.. I bought datapilot a few years ago and have the correct wire to connect to that phone, and i defintley have connected to it in the past, but i have formated my computer since then and have no idea what i did or installed to connect to that phone... If anyone has connected to apebl using a normal usb wire please give me the steps needed to accomplish this... Thanks in advance...