Question : Problem: How do I use my HDD in a new computer?

I have a Asus computer and it has failed.
Lots of hardware is failing in the computer so I intend on getting a new one.

But before I do, I need to know if I can use my current 2 SATA Hard Disk Drives (I have two of them - 2 x 250 gb) in my new computer.

One of them has the Operating system on it and the other one houses all the applications etc...
The 2nd one also have a partition.

If I can use them in the new computer, what kind of configuration would I need to do and how would I do it?

I need to know what I am getting myself into.

Appreciate a detailed answer.



Answer : Problem: How do I use my HDD in a new computer?

The optimum solution is to repair the computer, by replacing the mother board.  Or troubleshooting to find out if their is a memory or other error.

Of course, there may not be a solution that fits your parameters, since you may have to reinstall all your applications, because it is Windows...

Data is no problem since you can mount your drives a secondary drive on the new computer and copy them over.

This is one of those problems that seems simple, but because of windows and the things that software companies do to protect their programs, it becomes a nightmare to complete...
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