Question : Problem: ARCserve and Shutting Down SQL Database for WSUS

I am running ARCserve 11.5 SP3 on a Server 2003 box.  This server also is running WSUS to deploy updates to all of my clients.  I am receiving numerous errors during my nightly backup relating to SQL stating that ARCserve cannot back up the files.  One of these errors is:

W3404 Unable to open file. (FILE=C:\WINDOWS\SYSMSI\SSEE\MSSQL.2005\MSSQL\Data\master.mdf, EC=SHARING VIOLATION)

I do not have the Brightstor ARCserve SQL agent installed on this server.  I am assuming that is why ARCserve cannot back up these particular files.  

From what I can think of, there are three things that I can do to resolve this problem.

1 - Purchase and install the SQL Agent.

2 - Filter out the directory will the SQL files are stored so ARCserve excludes them from the backup.

3 - Shutdown the WSUS SQL database while the backup is taking place.

I would hate to shell out the money to purchase the SQL agent just to backup WSUS.  However, if you guys feel this is the best route to go, then I will do it.

If you feel I would be OK with simply shutting down the SQL database, how do I go about doing so?



Answer : Problem: ARCserve and Shutting Down SQL Database for WSUS

I did some digging to see what service are run for WSUS to function properly.  In order to stop WSUS from running you need to execute the following commands:

net stop wsusservice
Iisreset /stop

This can be found here:

Does anyone see a problem with shutting down IIS?



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