Question : Problem: Cisco 837 NAT Acess-lists and VPN

Hi all,

the cisco 837 that i have set up seems to be stopping imcoming vpn traffic using IPSec
our other office recieves requests from our VPN router but the 837 wont let any back in

is this a Nat issue?
beucase VPN uses ports and if all my traffic is gettin 'natted' will this stop it coming back in on the correct port?

is it an access-list issue?
do i need to create an access list to allow certain traffic through?

we use a dynamic ip address at this end and a static ip address at the other end

any guideance please? desperate here...


Answer : Problem: Cisco 837 NAT Acess-lists and VPN

i didnt see in your configuraton 170.0 network.

where will you use this statments. I think we start to exceed our question concept :)
First wes hould close this question. And ask new one. Other case everthing confuses.
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